International Conference on Advances Science and Contemporary Engineering 2012 (ICASCE 2012)
Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 – 25 October 2012
International Conference on Advances Science and Contemporary Engineering 2012 (ICASCE 2012) promises to address current state of the technology and the outcome of the ongoing research in the area of Science & Engineering. It encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the science and engineering. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. ICASCE 2012 would offer a forum to the academicians, researchers and students to interact with experts in the area and to learn the recent knowledge in Science & Engineering. It invites papers original & unpublished work from individuals active in the broad theme of the conference.
The conference proceedings will be published by Journal of Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) with ISBN/ISSN number and will be indexing in Ei Compendex, Engineering Index and SCOPUS.
Scope of conference
The scope of the Conference includes all the areas Engineering and Sciences. It encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering and sciences. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Sample areas include, but are certainly not limited to the following:
1. Innovative technologies and recent areas in Information Technology
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Classification and Clustering
- Multiresolution Techniques
- Information Retrieval
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Knowledge based networks
- Fuzzy systems and applications Evolutionary Algorithms Genetic algorithms Evolution strategies Genetic programming and evolutionary programming
- Computer Vision and Image Analysis
- Intelligent Image,Signal, and Speech Processing
- Information Retrieval
- Information Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Applications
- Natural Language Processing
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Performance Evaluation
- Programming Languages
- Reconfigurable Computing Systems
- Robotics
- Security & Cryptography
- Software Engineering & CASE
- Technology in Education
- Technology Management
- Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automated Software Engineering
- Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
- Biomedical Engineering
- Compilers and Interpreters
- Computational Intelligence
- Computer Animation
- Computer Architecture & VLSI
- Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
- Computer Games
- Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality
- Computer Modeling
- Computer Networks
- Computer Security
- Computer Simulation
- Computer Vision
- Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing
- Computing Ethics
- Computing Practices & Applications
- Control Systems
- Data Communications
- Data Compression
- Data Encryption
- Data Mining
- Databases
- Digital Library
- Digital Signal Processing
- Distributed Systems
- Event Driven Programming
- Expert Systems
- High Performance Computing
- Image Processing
- Theoretical Computer Science
- User Interface
- Applications of Computer Science and Engineering
- Others
2. Innovative technologies and recent areas in Management Information Systems
- Power, Cultural, Behavioral and Political issues
- New Organizational Forms
- Dilution of Organizational Boundaries
- The centrality of IS and IT in Organizational Processes
- IS Management
- Information Management
- Knowledge Management
- IS and SMEs
- Innovation and IS
- Innovation and Knowledge Management
- IS and Change Management
- IS and Organisation Development
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Business Process Change
- Iterative and Incremental Methodologies
- Agile Methodologies
- IS Design and Development as a Component-Based Process
- IS Design and Development as Social Negotiation Process
- IS Design and Development as a Global and Distributed Process
- Outsourcing in IS
- Outsourcing Risks, Barriers and Opportunities
- IS Project Management
- IS Quality Management and Assurance
- IS Standards and Compliance Issues
- Risk Management in IS
- Risk Management in IS Design and Development
- IS Professional Issues
- IS Learning and Teaching Patterns of Demand for IS Teaching Provision pedagogic practice in Teaching IS
- E-Learning in IS
- Instructional Design for IS
- National Cultures and Approaches to Pedagogy
- Multiculturality and Diversity Issues in IS Learning and Teaching
Important Dates:
- Last Date of Paper Submission : 20 May 2012
- Paper Acceptance Notification : 20 June 2012
- Last Date of Camera Ready Paper : 10 July 2012
- Paper Registration : 15 July 2012
- Conference Date : 24 – 25 October 2012
International Conference on Advances Science and Contemporary Engineering 2012
(ICASCE 2012) BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: ICASCE2012@binus.ac.id, ICASCE2012@gmail.com
Phone : +6281316205761