International Conference on Advances Science and Contemporary Engineering 2013 (ICASCE 2013) promises to address current state of the technology and the outcome of the ongoing research in the area of Science & Engineering. It encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the science and engineering. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. ICASCE 2013 would offer a forum to the academicians, researchers and students to interact with experts in the area and to learn the recent knowledge in Science & Engineering. It invites papers original & unpublished work from individuals active in the broad theme of the conference.
The conference proceedings will be published by Journal of EPJ Web of Conferences (Springer) with ISSN (Electronic Edition): 2100-014X and will be submitted into indexing in Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science), DOAJ, Google Scholar, Inspec, NASA ADS, SCOPUS.
Since February 2013, Journal of EPJ Web of Conferences already indexed in SCOPUS. The detail information in http://www.epj-conferences.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=239&Itemid=43&lang=en_GB.utf8%2C+en_GB.UT
ICASCE 2012 was held succesully.
Link : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r8mcqfq9smzmhqb/0tL0Ystt9k