What is a Research Proposal? Apa itu Proposal Penelitian?

Prior to conducting research every researcher must prepare a research proposal.  Its main purpose is not only as a guide line for the researcher or anybody else (say, who wants to repeat the research in different place and setting – see Sekaran, 2010, on the meaning of “scientific research”) to follow in conducting the research, but also as a document submitted to donor to secure fund for the research.  For this reason, it is therefore, that the credential of the researcher is usually appended to the proposal to convince the donor that it is a good research, worth of pursuing and of course funded, and that he is the right person to do the job.  For the purpose of this module though, the emphasis would be to help students to write proposal of their Skripsi, Thesis, or Dissertation, which is usually have to go through examination in front of professors other than the advisors.

Sebelum melakukan penelitian setiap peneliti harus menyiapkan proposal penelitian.  Manfaat utamanya adalah bukan hanya ia menjadi panduan bagi peneliti atau siapa saja( missal, seseorang yang berkehendak mengulagi penelitian yang sama pada tempat atau setting yang berbeda – lihat Sekaran (2010) untuk arti dari “penelitian Ilmiah”) untuk diikuti dalam melakukan penelitian, tapi juga  sebagai dokumen yang nantinya diusulkan kepada penyandang dana untuk mendapatkan dukungan.  Untuk alasan inilah maka latar belakang peneliti selalu dilampirkan pada proposal untuk meyakinkan donor bahwa itu adalah penelitian yang layak dilakukan dan didanai, dan bahwa  dialah yang paling tepat melakukan penelitian tersebut.  Tetapi untuk tujuan modul ini, akan ditekankan pada upaya menolong mahasiswa dalam menulis proposal penelitian dalam rangka Sripsi, Thesis, atau Desertasi, yang biasanya akan diuji nantinya dihadapan dosen lain selain pembimbingnya.

We will then follow closely the standard outline provide by the Graduate School of BINUS in writing proposal.  A research proposal composed of three chapters preceded by the cover page containing the title of the research, the author, and the Department, school,  university name, and the year the research will be conducted.  The chapters are: (1) Chapter I, INTRODUCTION; (2) Chapter II, LITERATURE REVIEW (Note: some schools/departments might prefer to name this chapter as THEORETICAL FOUNDATION – please consult your school on this) ; and (3) Chapter III, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY; followed by THE LIST OF REFERENCES.  The main purpose of this Module is to elaborate what would be the content of each chapter, which will then followed by a Case.

Kita akan mengikuti dengan baik outline baku yang berlaku pada Sekolah Pasca Sarjana BINUS dalam penulisan proposal.  Proposal penelitian terdiri dari tiga bab, didahului oleh lembar muka yang berisikan judul dari penelitian, penulis (peneliti), dan nama jurusan, nama fakultas, dan nama universitas diikuti  tahun penelitian akan dilakukan. Bab-bab pada proposal adalah : (1) Bab I, PENDAHULUAN; (2) Bab II, TINJAUAN PUSTAKA (Note: sebagian jurusan, fakultas mungkin menggunakan judul LANDASAN TEORI untuk bab ini – silakan dikonsultasikan dengan jurusan); dan (3)Bab III, METODOLOGI PENELITIAN; yang diikuti dengan DAFTAR PUSTAKA.  Tujuan utama modul ini adalah menjabarkan hal-hal apa yang sebaiknya dicantumkan dalam masing-masing bab, yang kemudian diikuti dengan Teladan.



 Chapter I usually composed of five sub-chapters, i.e., sub-chapter 1.1., Research Background; sub-chapter 1.2., Problem Statement; sub-chapter 1.3., Research Objective;  sub-chapter 1.4., The Purpose of the Research;  and sub-chapter 1.5., The Scope of the Research. Next, we will explain each sub-chapter in more detail.

Bab I biasanya terdiri dari lima sub-bab, yaitu, sub-bab 1.1.,Latar Belakang Penelitian; sub-bab 1.2., Rumusan Permasalahan; sub-bab 1.3., Tujuan Penelitian; sub-bab 1.4., Manfaat Penelitian; dan sub-bab 1.5., Batasan Penelitian.  Berikut akan dijelaskan masing sub-bab secara detil.

Sub-Chapter 1.1. Research Background

Sub-Bab 1.1. Latarbelakang Penelitian

 This sub-chapter set the stage for the research.  If this is about a particular industry then here is the place to explain about the industry. What are the product and or services in the industry, brief explanation about the industry with respect to the economy as whole, the degree of competition in the industry, and other information, of course, those that relevant to the topics/issues addressed in the research.  Here, there is no need to elaborate in detail about the industry; it is enough to set the stage or the context for the research.  The discussion on this sub-chapter should boil down to the broad area problem faced in the industry, the solution of which would be the main purpose of the research.  Usually this broad area problem will be stated in the last paragraphs of the sub-chapter, indicated by a word such as, “….  However ……”,  “….. Nevertheless…. “, etc. (see Module 1 on the discussion and example of the broad area problem).  Similarly, if this is about a particular company, a brief overview of the company is necessary that pointing out to the important and relevancy of addressing the broad area problem.

Sub-bab ini berisikan dan menguraikanpanggung bagi penelitian.  Bila penelitian mengenai suatu industy, maka disini dijelaskan mengenai industry tersebut.  Apa produk maupun jasa yang disajikan di industry itu, penjelasan singkat mengenai industry tersebut dalam konteks perekonomian nasional, tingkat persaingan di industry tersebut, dan informasi lainnya, sudah barang tentu yang relevan dengan topic/issue yang sedang dibahas dalam penelitian.  Di sini tidak perlu menguraikan secara detil tantang induatri tersebut; cukup menguraikan hal-hal sehingga konteks maupun bidang yang akan diteliti menjadi  jelas.  Pembahasan pada sub-bab ini harus sedemikian rupa sehingga berakhir pada pemaparan permasalahan yang dihadapi industry tersebut, dimana pemecahan dari masalah tersebutlah yang menjadi manfaat dari penelitian. Biasaya permasalahan ini diuraikan pada paragraph-paragraf terakhir dari sub-bab, juga ditandai dengan kata-kata seperti, “…… akan tetapi…….”, atau “…..Namun demikian ……”, dll. (lihat Modul 1 tentang uraian dan contoh permasalahan).  Sama halnya, apabila penelitian itu mengenai satu perusahaan tertentu, maka uraian singkat mengenai perusahaan itu harus dijabarkan dan tentu uraian tersebut harus bermuara pada pentingnya dan relevansi perlunya pemecahan permasalahan tersebut.

Sub-Chapter 1.2. Problem Statement

Sub-Bab 1.2.  Rumusan Permasalahan

Here will be explained or elaborated how you come up with the research question (note: research question not necessarily should be in the form of question; it could be statement). Why it is or they are the questions to be answered if we want to solve the broad area problem stated in sub-chapter 1.1.  Because there are always be other alternative statements to be addressed in order to solve broad area problem, it is therefore important to provide explanation, reasoning that these are the most relevant statements or questions to be answered to solve the broad area problem.  Notice, devising reasons on deciding that the listed research questions are the most relevant questions to answer to solve the broad area problem, requires development of theories, results of earlier research, commonly accepted assertions, logical thinking, and preliminary study; hence, literature review is important in this stage.  Since literature review is covered in Chapter II, that is, after the formulation of the research questions, this might look a bit awkward.  This is resolved by what we put here are only broad research questions, or broad category of the possible aspects that possibly cause the broad area problem.  The detail research questions, or in fact presumed causes of the earlier formulated research question, i.e., what will be called hypothesis, will be further formulated after literature review, and all these will be presented in Chapter III, sub-chapter  3.1.,Theoretical Framework that will be explained later.

Pada sub bab ini akan dijelaskan atau diuraiakan bagaimana pertanyaan penelitian sebagaimana adanya (catatan: pertanyaan penelitian tidak harus dalam bentuk pertanyaan, tapi bisa juga dalam bentuk statement positif.  Mengapa itu yang menjadi pertanyaan penting yang perlu terjawab bila kita ingin memecahkan permasalahan yang telah diuraikan pada sub-bab 1.1.  Karena akan selalu ada kemungkinan bahwa pertanyaan atau pilihan pernyataan yang harus dijawab dalam rangka memecahkan permasalahan, maka pada sub-bab in perlu penjelasan dan alasan bahwa pertanyaan penelitian inilah yang terpenting untuk dijawab dalam raqngka memecahkan permasalahan.  Perhatikan, membangun argument dalam memutuskan bahwa pertnyaan penelitian itulah paling relevan untuk memecahkan permasalahan,  membutuhkan pembangunan teori, hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya, rumusan-rumusan yang pada umumnya diterima dikalangan ilmiawan, cara berfikir logis, dan studi awal;  oleh karena itu, tinjauan pustaka sangat penting pada tahapan ini.  Karena tinjauan pustaka baru akan diuraikan pada bab II, yaitu, setelah sub-bab perumusan masalah, ini kelihatannya agak kurang urut.  Hal ini dipecahkan dengan pada sub-bab ini hanya pertanyaan penelitian yang sifatnya masih kategori besar dari hal-hal yang diperkirakan menjadi penyebab permasalahanlah yang diuraikan.  Pertanyaan penelitian yang lebih detil,atau perkiraan penyebab dari pertanyaan penelitian yang telah dirumuska, i.e., apa yang akan dinamai sebagai hipotesa, akan selanjutnya dirumuskan setelah tinjauan pustaka dilakukan, dan ini semua akan dijabarkan pada bab III, sub-bab 3.1, Kerangka Teori yangkan dijabarkan lebih lanjut.

Sub-Chapter 1.3. The Objective of the Research

Sub-Bab 1.3.  Tujuan penelitian

 In this sub-chapter, the objective of the research will be explained.  Notice, this is not the objective of the researcher, not the objective of the company, for example being studied, but the objective of doing this research.  For that reason, the objective of the research of course is to answer the research questions stated in sub-chapter 1.2.  Now you might reason, that if this is the only things that are elaborated here in this sub-chapter, why we need a sub-chapter for it?  It is true.  But for the purpose of clarity, and at the same time nothing wrong about it, so at Binus we set aside a sub-chapter for this.  You may find out in some universities that the objective of the research is incorporated in sub-chapter 1.2. Problem Statement and the Objective of the Study. You might find for example, at the end of sub-chapter 1.2, they would say: “…. The objective of this research then is to answer the above stated research questions and specifically is (1) to …….. , (2) to …….. , etc. …”.

Pada sub-bab ini, tujuan penelitian akan diuraikan.  Perhatikan, yang diuraikan di sini bukan tujuan peneliti, bukan pula tujuan perusahaan bila penelitian ini mengenai perusahaan, tapi tujuan melakukan penelitian ini.  Oleh karena itulah, tujuan penelitian sudah barang tentu adalah menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan pada sub-bab 1.2.  Sekarang mungkin kita bertanya, bahwa kalau hanya ini yang menjadi isi atau yang akan diuraikan pada sub-bab ini kenapa kita memerlukan satu sub-bab untuk menjelaskannya? Itu adalah benar.  Namun demikian untuk tujuan kejelasan, dan pada waktu yang sama tidak ada yang salah dengan itu, maka di Binus, satu sub-bab disediakan untuk Tujuan Penelitian. Mungkin akan anda temui di beberapa perguruan tinggi  tujuan penelitian digabung dengan sub-bab 1.2. dengan judul “Perumusan masalah dan Tujuan penelitian”.  Anda mungkin akan menemukan pada akhir dari sub-bab 1.2. kata-kata “……..Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah diuraikan di atas, dan secara khusus (1) menjawab ……, (2) menjawab ………, dll., “.

Sub-Chapter 1.4.  The Purpose of The Research

Sub-Bab 1.4.  Manfaat Penelitian

 As was explained earlier, the purpose of any research or study is to solve the broad area problem.  Here in this sub-chapter you might need though to explain how by answering the research questions you (or whoever wants to use the findings of the research) are enabled to solve the broad area problem.  In this sub-chapter also you might want to list some other benefits of doing this research, i.e., benefits for organizations, institutions, individuals that directly benefited from the research.  These are called applicative benefits; but there might be theoretical benefit of the research, that is findings contributing to the body of knowledge.

Seperti telah dijelaskan terdahulu,manfaat dari setiap penelitian adalah untuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi.  Dalam sub-bab ini anda perlu menjelaskan bagaimana/alasannya bahwa dengan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian maka anda (atau siapa saja yang akan menggunakan hasil dari penelitian ini) akan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan seperti termaktub dalam sub-bab 1.1. Latarbelakang.  Dalam sub-bab ini anda mungkin dapat menyampaikan manfaat-manfaat lainnya dari penelitian, i.e., manfaat bagi organisasi, institusi, individu yang secara langsung mendapat manfaat dari penelitian.  Ini sisebut manfaat aplikatif; akan tetapi mungkin akan ada manfaat teoretis dari penelitian, yaitu contribusi penelitian terhadap ilmu pengetahuan.

Sub-Chapter 1.5.  The Scope of the Research

Sub-Bab 1.5.  Ruang lingkup Penelitian

  In this sub-chapter, it should be clearly stated the boundary or coverage of the research, beyond which the conclusion should not be extended or generalized.  For example, if the study is about small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the conclusion should only be pertaining to SMES, not to be generalized to large enterprises of corporate.  So the scope of the research in this case is SMEs.  Things not to be put here then are the activities or the tools or the methods used in the research.  For example, the followings are not the scope:

  • In formulating the maturity level of the IS/IT, COBIT framework will be used.
  • In analyzing external environment and forces faced by the organization, five forces of Porter will be exercised.

Pada sub-bab ini, harus secara tegas diuraikan batas-batas dan cakupan dari penelitian, di mana kesimpulan dari penelitian tidak berlaku atau tidak bisa digeneralisasikan. Sebagai contoh, bila study hanya mengenai Usaha Kecil menengah (UKM), naka kesimpulan tidak bisa digeneraliser ke  usaha besar aqtau korporasi.  Jadi batasan penelitian dalam hal ini hanya berlaku untuk SME.  Hal-hal yang tidak bisa dimasukkan dalam sub-bab ini a.l., kegiatan ataou alat-alat atau metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian.  Sebagai contoh, yang berikut ini tidak termasuk kategori batasan penelitian:

  • Dalam merumuskan tingkat kematangan IS/IT digunakan framework COBIT.
  • Dalam menganalisa lingkungan eksternal dan kekuatan-kekuatea yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan, akan digunakan kerangka five forces of Porter.




Results of previous studies related to the topic and the research question raised in chapter 1 is exposed here.  Studies in different setting, industries, countries about the variables and their relationships not only as conjectured in the research questions, but findings on other variables and their relationships which is found to have effect on the cause of the broad area problem stated in chapter I as the objective of the research should be exhaustively explored and presented here in this chapter.  In fact causes of the causes, of the causes and so on upstream need to be exposed here.  Issues that might have to do with the issues, that might explain the issues, and so on down to the issues raised in chapter I as the main issues related to the broad area problem those that have been studied previously are elaborated here.  Not only the findings, but also methods used, scope of the studies, data collected, including data analysis technique used in drawing conclusions might need to be discussed.

The main objective of doing literature review of course, beside to ensure that we are not doing or repeating the same study, is to justify the building of the model or the theoretical framework – the researcher’s theory –  on the variables and their relationships, against which the empirical data will be confronted.

It should be emphasized here, that tools, frames, and methods used in answering research question should not be reviewed in this chapter.  They should be elaborated in chapter III, in particular how the tools helped in answering the research questions.  For example, statistical tool such as regression, ANOVA, SEM, PATH ANALYSIS, Forecasting techniques such as ARIMA, ANN, Discriminant analysis, etc.; best practice framework such as COBIT, OCTAVE, ITIL, etc., in IS/IT field; SWOT, Porter’s 5 forces, PEST, CSF, BPR, etc., in strategic management, should be elaborated in chapter III, not in chapter II on literature review.  However, if the objective of the research is related to answering research question in comparing two or more methods, algorithms, creating hybrid algorithms, which is common in computer science/IT, then they of course should be reviewed in this chapter – chapter II.

Hasil-hasil dari penelitian sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan topic dan pertanyaan penelitian yang diangkat pada bab 1.2., diuraikan pada bab ini.  Pada bab ini diuraikan pula hasil-hasil studi mengenai variable-variabel serta keterkaitan satu sama lainnya, yang tidak hanya terbatas pada praduga pada pertanyaan penelitian, tapi temuan tentang variable lainnya serta hubungan satu dengan lainnya, yang diperkirakan memiliki dampak terhadap penyebab permasalahan yang dikemukakan pada bab 1.2. sebagai tujuan penelitian harus digali secara tuntas pada bab ini, termasuk dari industry, setting, Negara yang berbeda.  Bahkan penyebab dari penyebab, penyebab selanjutnya, demikian seterusnya mencari penyebab sampai ke hulu diuraikan pada bab ini.  Issu yang berkaitan dengan issu, yang mungkin menjelaskan issu-issu penyebab,demikian selanjutnya sampai dengan issu yang diangkat pada bab 1.2. sebagai issu utama yang berkaitan dangan permasalahan utama yang telah dipelajari pada penelitian sebelumnya diuraikan pada bab ini.  Tidak hanya temuan saja, tapi termasuk metodologinya, batasan-batasannya, pengumpulan datanya, dan metode analisis yang digunakan dalam mengambil kesimpulan juga perlu diuraikan.

Tujuan utama melakukan studi literature adalah, disamping memastikan bahwa tidak terjadi pengulangan penelitian yang sama, adalah memberikan justifikasi pengembangan model atau kerangka teori – teorinya peneliti – berkaitan dengan variable-variabel serta kaitan satu sama lainnya yang nantinya menjadi teori yang hendak diuji melalui penelitian ini secara empiris.

Perlu ditekankan di sini bahwa alat-alat, teknik-teknik, kerangka-kerangka, dan metode yang digunakan dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tidak perlu dibahas atau direview pada bab ini.  Teknik-teknik ini sebaiknya dibahas pada bab III khususnya penjelasan bagaimana alat-alat tersebut dapat menjawab pertanyaan penelitian.  Sebagai contoh, analisa statistika seperti regressi, ANOVA, SEM, Path analysis, teknik peramalan seperti ARIMA misalnya, ANN, Analisa Diskriminan, dll.; kerangka best practices seperti COBIT, OCTVE, ITIL, dll., dalam bidang IS/IT; SWOT, Porter’s five forces, PEST, CSF, BPR, dll., dalam bidang manajemen strategis, sebaiknya dibahas pada bab III, tidak perlu direview pada bab ini, bab Tinjauan Pustaka.  Namun demikian, bila tujuan penelitian adalah membandingkan berbagai metode, alat-alat, algorithma misalnya, menciptakan algoritma hybrid misalnya, yang banyak delakukan dalam penelitian bidang ilmu computer atau teknik, maka sudah barang tentu sebaiknya dibahas pada bab ini – Bab II.





Basically in this chapter all the steps that need to be done in answering the research questions should be elaborated in detail, detail enough for other researchers to be able to follow if they want to repeat the same research, for example because they are still in doubt of the conclusion made.

This chapter composed of five sub-chapters, i.e., sub-chapter 3.1., Theoretical Framework; 3.2., Hypothesis; 3.3., Variable Measurements; 3.4., Data and Data Collection; 3.5., and Data Analysis.

Under theoretical Framework the researcher explain all variables involve in the research (not only to list them).  Usually the variable of main interest to the researcher, that is, the variable of concern in the broad area problem, sometimes this is called dependent variable (if the model is based on cause- effect or causal model) is the one explain first.  Then other variables that are considered related to or have an impact or cause the dependent variable, called independent variables, are elaborated.  In addition to explaining all the variables, things that need to be explained in this sub-chapter are the hypothesized relationships among the variables.  The relationship might be in terms of a set of mathematical equations – hence called mathematical model of the real world to be studied, or simulated; or it could be in terms of conceptual model that might be depicted in interconnected diagram.  Most important though in this sub-chapter, is the explanation of why the interrelationship of the variables in the real world is abstracted in such a way not in other alternative ways.  This model, or the theorytized relationship – i.e., your theory/model, of course is based on the literature review but it does not have to be exactly the same as what previous studies formulated in the review, in fact different in some extend with the previous studies is recommended as part of your contribution to the science, of course with strong scientific argumentation. As a researcher you are free to build your own theory or model.  Once it is formulated in this sub-chapter, now it is your own theory.

The second sub-chapter 3.2., on Hypothesis, is basically listing all the hypothesis proposed in the research.  It is actually composed of all research questions or extended ones where you have more relationship among variables further conjectured based on the built model/theoretical framework formulated in sub-chapter 3.2., then the one stated in sub-chapter 1.2./1.3., as research questions.  The easiest way to identify the hypothesis, is that there should be one for each relationship among variables in the model/theoretical framework.

The third sub-chapter, 3.3., on Variable Measurements, elaborates how each variable is measured.  If it is an observable variable, then the measurement is straight forward.  For example, Sales, is an observable variable, and the measurement may be number of unit sold per month.  Inventory/stock, also is an observable variable and the unit of measurement would be the amount of stock per unit of time.  Measurement of variable is become a bit not easy if the variable is not observable.  For example, Loyalty, Ease of Use, Learning, Satisfaction, are concepts or latent variables sometimes called, which could not be observed.  Therefore, we need to devise indicator variables that characterized the concept of variables that can be used as indicators of such concept.  These are called Indicators or Operational Variables.  Secondly, once we device indicators for a particular concept, we need to decide or formulate scale, the numeric or real number that represent the variable because if we want to process the variables they need to be represented in number (real number) (more on this will be explained in Module 5). Measurement of variable should be elaborated for all concept variable and observable variables.

Once we define the scale of the variables in sub-chapter 3.3., the set of the value of the variables for each object/element  of the research – called Data – need to be collected and this is elaborated in sub-chapter 3.4., on Data and Data Collection.  The set of all object of the research which is called the population need to be first identified and defined in this sub-chapter.  If the total number of the population is not too big, then it is always better to enumerate all member of the population because after all the research is about the population –  this is called complete enumeration or census.  However, if the population size is very big, and it is almost impossible or too costly to measure all members in the population, then we might resort to measuring sample.  How sample size is decided is explained in this sub-chapter (more on this will be explained in other module on sampling technique).  Once the sample size is decided, we need to determine how the samples will be selected; this is called sampling technique (more on this at other module).  The last topic in this sub-chapter would be to explain how data is collected;  is it through observation like in laboratory, or through interview, of through survey using questionnaires.

Once method of how data are collected is described, the next thing to do is how to analyze the data in order to draw conclusion related to the research questions posted or hypotheses formulated in sub-chapter 3.2.  Description of this Data Analysis method is elaborated in sub-chapter 3.5.  In this sub-chapter it should be clearly described how all the hypothesis will be answered based on the data collected and of course in line with the theoretical framework or model that has been formulated.

Pada prinsipnya semua lankah-langkah yang diperlukan dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian harus diuraikan pada bab ini secara detil, sedemikian detil sehingga peneliti lain di tempat lain dapat mengikuti untuk mengulangi  penelitian yang sama, sebagai contoh, sebagai akibat keraguan terhadap kesimpulan yang telah diambil oleh peneliti ini misalnya.

Bab ini terdiri dari lima sub-bab, yaitu, sub-bab 3.1., Kerangka Teori; 3.2., Hipotesis; 3.3., Pengukuran Variabel; 3.4., Pengumpulan data; dan 3.5., Analisis Data.

Pada kerangka Teori, peneliti menguraikan (bukan hanya mendaftar) semua variable-variable yang terlibat dalam penelitian.  Penjelasan mengapa mereka penting dalam penelitian ini, keterkaitan satu sama lain, dll. Harus diuraikan.  Biasanya pembahasan dimulai dengan variable yang menjadi interest utama bagi peneliti, i.e., variable yang menjadi konsern utama pada permasalahan umum di bab 1.1., kadang-kadang disebut dependen variable (terutama bila penelitian berkaitan dengan persoalan sebab-akibat).  Lalu kemudian variable yang diperkirakan mempengaruhi variable dependen ini, disebut dengan istilah independen variable, dibahas berikutnya.  Disamping penjelasan mengenai variable-variabel tersebut beserta alasan/argument akan pentingnya variable-variabel tersebut dalam menjelaskan/memecahkan permasalahan, yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah uraian atau praduga mengenai hubungan-hubungan antara variable tersebut juga perlu dibahas.  Hubungan tersebut mungkin bisa dirumuskan dalam bentuk persamaan-persamaan matematis – sehingga disebut model matematis dari dunia nyata yang sedang/hendak dipelajari atau di-simulasi;  Mungkin dalam bentuk hubungan koseptual yang sering di gambarkan delam bentuk diagram saling keterkaitan; Akan tetapi yang terpenting dalam sub-bab ini adalah penjelasan mengapa abstraksi dari dunia nyata tersebut (the model) dipostulasikan sedemikian rupa  bukan dalam bentuk abstraksi lainnya.  Model ini, atau hubungan antara variable yang anda teorikan  – i.e., teori anda/model anda, sebaiknya didasarkan atas hasil tinjauan pustaka sekalipun tidak harus sama dengan hasil penelitian terdahulu yang diuraikan di tinjauan pustaka, bahkan kalau bisa berbeda dari atau ada pengembangan dari studi terdahulu, tentu dengan argumentasi ilmiah yang kuat – ini sebagai kontribusi ilmiah saudara tentunya. Sebagai peneliti tentu anda bebas membangun teori anda.  Begitu teori ini dirumuskan pada sub-bab ini, itu adalah menjadi teori anda.

Sub-bab berikutnya yaitu 3.2., tentang Hipotesis, pada prinsipnya berisikan semua hipotesis yang anda formulasikan atau usulkan pada penelitian ini.  Pada prinsipnya sub-bab ini berisikan semua hipotesis yang dirumuskan pada sub-bab 1.2. dan 1.3., dan bahkan hipotesis tambahan lainnya yang muncul kemudian setelah model dibangun yang merupakan hubungan antara variable-variable yang dipraduga pada kerangka teori.  Cara yang mudak untuk mengidentifikasi hipotesis ini berdasarkan model koseptual di sub 3.1., adalah akan ada satu hipotesis untuk setiap hubungan antara variable yang dipostulatkan (satu untuk setiap anak panah).

Pada sub-bab 3.3, tentang pengukuran variable, diuraikan secara jelas bagaimana setiap variable diukur.  Apabila variable tersebut dapat diamati, maka ukurannya langsung menggunakan unit ukur pada pengamatan.  Misalnya, penjualan adalah variable yang bisa diamati dan ukurannya mungkin adalah jumlah atau volume atau banyaknya  yang terjuala per bulan misalnya.  Inventory/stok juga merupakan variable yang bisa diamati dan ukuranya adalah banyaknya stok di gudang pada akhir bulan misalnya, atau per unit waktu.  Pengukuran variable menjadi tidak mudah bila variable itu tidak bisa diamati.  Sebagai contoh, variable Loyalitas, Kemudahan penggunaan, Pembelajaran, Kepuasan adalah merupakan variable konsep atau variable laten yang tidak dapat diamati.  Oleh karena itu perlu diformulasikan variable indikator yang merupakan karakteristik dari konsep tersebut dan dapat digunakan sebagai indikator dari konsep tersebut.  Variabel seperti ini disebut variable indikator atau variable operasional. Kedua, setelah variable operasional dirumuskan untuk suatu variable konsep, perlu ditentukan bagaimana mengukur variable operasional tersebut, yaitu nilai dalam angka atau bilangan nyata karena kalau kita hendak mengolah variable, maka harus dalam bentuk angka atau bilangan nyata (mengenai hal ini akan diuraikan lebih lanjut pada Modul 4).  Oleh karena itu harus diuraikan pada bab ini bagaiman semua variable diukur, baik variable konsep maupun variable yang dapat diamati.

Setelah pengukuran variable diuraikan pada sub-bab 3.3., himpunan angka yang mewakili atau hasil pengukuran semua variable untuk semua objek/elemen penelitian – disebut Data – , selanjutnya perlu dikumpulkan.  Hal ini diuraikan pada sub-bab 3.4., mengenai Pengumpulan Data.  Kemudian, himpunan dari semua objek penelitian yang disebut Populasi perludiidentifikasi dan didefinisikan pada sub-bab. Ini.  Bila besar populasi tidak terlalu besar, maka akan selalu lebih baik menghimpun data dari semua anggota populasi karena penelitian memang adalah mengenai populasi.  Akan tetapi bila populasi terlalu besar dan sangat mahal atau bahkan tidak mungkin untuk mengukur seua anggota populasi mana yang dilakukan adalah memilih sebagian saja dari anggota populasi tersebut yang kita sebut Sample.  Bagaimana besarnya sample ditentukan harus diuraikan pada sub-bab ini (lebih detail mengenai penentuan sample size akan diuraikan pada modul berikutnya). Setelah besarnya sample ditentukan, berikutnya perlu ditentukan bagaimana cara memilih sample tersebut dari semua anggota populasi; ini disebut teknik penarikan sample (lebih detil akan dijelaskan pada modul lain) dan ini pun harus diuraikan pada sub-bab ini.  Topik terakhir pada sub-bab ini adalah penjelasan mengenai bagaimana data dikumpulkan;  apakah dengan menggunakan interview, observasi seperti di laboratorium, atau melalui survey dengan menggunakan kwessioner.

Setelah metode pengumpulan data diuraikan pada sub-bab 3.4., berikutnya dan yang terakhir harus diuraikan pada bab III adalah bagaimana data dianalisa untuk menarik kesimpulan perihal pertanyaan penelitian atau hipotesis yang telah diajukan pada sub-bab 3.2.  Penjelasan mengenai metode analisa datai ini diuraikan pada sub-bab 3.5.  Pada sub-bab ini harus secara jelas diuraikan bagaimana setiap hipotesis dijawab berdasarkan data yang terkumpul tentu sesuai dengan atau dalam kerangka teori/model yang telah dirumuskan.


EXAMPLE : A Research Proposal

TELADAN : Proposal Penelitian

The following is an example of a complete research proposal based on the case presented in Module 1, CASE #1.

Berikut ini adalah teladan suatu proposal yang lengkap; merupakan kasus yang diangkat pada Modul 1, KASUS #1.

Cover Page  (consult Binus graduate program Thesis guide line on this):




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Graduate Program











This chapter begin by explaining and formulating the background of the research, followed by elaboration of the broad problem area in the Problem Statement section (sub-chapter 1.2).  Having discussed the issues and possible causes of the broad area problem, the next thing to formulate is the objective of the research, presented in 1.3.  Sub-chapter 1.4., discussed the purpose of the research and finally the scope of the study is presented in sub-chapter 1.5.


  • Research Background

 Latabelakang Penelitian

XYZ hospital established in 2009 located in West Jakarta is a private Hospital in response to a growing population in the area as indicated by a rapid growing of housing complexes crowded by young couples, a new generation of medium level of white collar workers in Jakarta.  Prior to its establishment, the nearest hospital to the area is about 10 miles away.  Occupancy rate of the hospital has been growing steadily, from only 10 % in 2009 to about 40 % recently.  Preliminary survey conducted by the marketing department of the hospital indicated that many of the residences in the vicinity still regular customers of the nearby hospitals around.  The marketing department considers this as a result of the loyalty toward the hospitals.

Just like many service based business, the hospital convinced that loyalty of customers is strategically important in ensuring sustainability and growth of the company, and hence fostering loyalty of their customers is in the vision and mission of the company and also they have set long run objectives pertaining to loyalty.  Believing that satisfaction of the customer is one important factor in determining loyalty, the board of directors have spent substantial amount of resources in fostering satisfaction of their customers in their yearly plan and operational activities.  However, this assertion has not been tested empirically. The Board of directors wants to know if satisfactions of their customers on the service they provide determines the loyalty of the customers, the ultimate and long term objective which is stated in their strategy.


  • Problem Statement

Rumusan Permasalahan

 Based on theory and empirical studies (Ferguson, 2007; Vernandes, 2006; Napitupulu, 2011) satisfaction of customers is an important factor in causing customer loyal to a company.  This theory is based on utility theory, that is that utility obtained by individuals from consuming goods and services provided by a company is composed of an array of attributes emanating from the of the product and services.  The utility itself at the attribute level is measured by the satisfaction generated by the attribute.  Empirically this assertion also has been tested in different countries, culture and setting. Some of the results indicate that it is not completely true in some cases.  However in many cases if not most, it appears to be true.  One appeals of this factor or variable is that it can be operationally translated and can be socialized and practiced by the many elements within the organization to implement.  Hence if it can be proven correct for the hospital, it can be implemented and the problem of ensuring sustainability of the loyalty of their customers can be solved.


  • Objective of the Research

 Tujuan Penelitian

Following the discussion in the problem statement (chapter 1.2), the objective of the research then is to try to answer whether satisfaction has an impact on loyalty in the hospital or whether satisfaction determine loyalty of the consumers of the hospital.


  • The Purpose of the Research

Manfaat Penelitian

Having been able to proof whether satisfaction is one important factor in determining loyalty of customer of the hospital, the purpose of the research then is to use satisfaction as policy instrument to foster loyalty of their customer through devising activities, services, and others that deemed necessary to improve satisfaction.  Other benefit may be that research could contribute to further strengthening the assertion or the theory related to satisfaction and loyalty empirically.


  • The Scope of the Study

Ruang Lingkup Penelitian

Since the research is focused on the hospital, hence the scope of the study is only about this hospital.  Any conclusion extended beyond the hospital should be presented with extra precautions if not to be extended at all.






Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Malhotra (2007) conducted a study to construct, refine, and test multiple-items scale for measuring quality delivered by Web.  The study revealed 22-item scale of four dimension, i.e., efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, and privacy necessary to capture electronic service quality.  It can be thought of that the underpinning concepts behind these dimension of service quality is satisfaction of the user or customers using the web sites.  This is to say that customer’s satisfaction is reflected by their perceived satisfaction on efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, and privacy provided by the web (Napitupulu, 2011).  In the spirit of parsimony, to provide a tool for decision making, in his study, he put all dimension as one variable named satisfaction as an important factor in determining loyalty of the customers, a study in service sectors in Indonesia.  The result indicated that indeed satisfaction is one important factor in determining loyalty of customer.  Regression model was used to test the model of the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty, while in testing the validity and reliability as well as in generating the value for the concept variable from the item scale, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis was utilized.







This chapter explains in detail how the research question is answered.  Beginning with deriving the theoretical framework or the model against which the assertion about the research question elaborated is presented in sub-chapter 3.1.  Having formulated the model of the research, the detail hypothesis is presented in sub-chapter 3.2.  Sub-chapter 3.3. describes variable measurements, and  data and data collection methodology is elaborated in sub-chapter 3.4.  Finally sub-chapter 3.5 explains data analysis.


3.1. Theoretical Framework

          Kerangka Teori

The research question (the inquiry), by its nature can be translated as equivalent to answering question as to whether satisfaction has an impact (or cause) on loyalty.  Statistically this is a regression problem, with loyalty (Y) being the dependent variable and satisfaction (X) being the independent variable. This relationship can be depicted conceptually in the following Figure (Figure 1).


Figure 1.  Ralationship Between Satisfaction and Loyalty


3.2. Hypothesis



From the conceptual model given in 3.1., it can be seen that one hypothesis is proposed as indicated by the arrow in Figure 1, i.e.,

H :  That there is a positive impact between satisfaction and loyalty

Notice that this hypothesis is basically the same as the research question posted in sub-chapter 1.2.


3.3.  Variable Measurements

          Pengukuran Variabel

Because satisfaction and loyalty are concept variables (unobserved) it is needed to device two statements that characterized satisfied customers and statements that characterized loyal customers as indicators or operational variables Statements for satisfaction are (1) Doctors treated patients well, and (2) Nurses and staffs treated patients properly, measured with Likert scale from 1 to 5 (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree).  Statements for loyalty are (1) Recommend this hospital to others, and (2) Visit this hospital when in need of heath care, also measured with likert scale from 1 to 5 (1 = very unlikely, 5 = very likely).


3.4.  Data and Data Collection

          Pengumpulan Data

The population of this research about which the conclusion will be drawn upon are all the customers of the hospital who have visited the hospital at least once and of course they that have been exposed to the service of doctors and nurses.  This will be acquired from the records kept by the hospital.  Supposed the size of the population or the total customers recorded so far is N.  The number of sample, sample size  n, then, that represent the population will be derived using Slovin’s formula as follows :

n = [ N / [1 + Ne2] ]

Since statistical inference tool will be used to answer the hypothesis, the sampling technique chosen then is probabilistic sampling namely simple random sampling technique.  Consideration also should be included in relation to the modeling tools chosen.  If the number of observation/samples need by the model is greater than the sample size derived from Slovin’s formula then the sample size required by the model that should be used.

Data will be collected using questionnaires distributed to the chosen customers (samples) as respondents.  In order to avoid non-response case, an additional 10 % of the sample size will be added to the total respondents.  The questionnaires will be designed to capture information on satisfaction and loyalty as mentioned in 1.2.  In addition, some other information might be incorporated to the questionnaires such as demographic information.


3.5.  Data Analysis

          Analisis Data

 The conceptual model described in 3.1., can be translated into a mathematical model , and statistically this is a regression model having loyalty (Y) being the dependent variable and satisfaction (X) as the independent variable, with the following functional relationship (mathematically):

Y = β0 + β1 X + ε   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)

Having conjectured that  X is related to Y following equation (1), the research question or the hypothesis formulated in 3.2. then is equivalent to proving whether  β1 is equal to zero or not, because if β1 = 0 hence X can be deleted from equation (1) meaning that Y does not dependent on X or loyalty is not determined by satisfaction (or satisfaction does not have an impact on loyalty).  Statistically this hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0 :  β1 = 0

HA :  β1 ≠ 0





  1. Parasuraman, A., Velarie A. Zeithaml, and Alvind Malhotra. (2005). E-S-Qual A Multiple-Item Scale in Assessing Electronic Service Quality. Journal of Service Research, Vol 7 (3), 213 – 233.
  2. Napitupulu, Togar A. (2011). The Relationship Between Satisfaction and Customers Loyalty in Hotels and Restaurants Industry: a Case of Indonesia. The Journal of Business Management and Information Technology, Vol. 5 (3), 134 – 143.




  1.  1. Read 5 articles from international journal – you can use Binus Digital Library. (1) Cite the name of the journal , use American Psychological Association (APA) citation rule, (2) explain what is the broad area problem they wish to address, (2) what are the research questions, (4) describe the methodology used, and (5) what are the conclusions and policy recommendations if any.
  2. Decide on the particular issue you want to address for your term paper. What is the broad area problem, the research questions (general).  You also need to start to do literature review to further refine your research questions to create the Theoretical Framework and generate detail hypothesis, identify variables and their relationships.