6. Dr.Eng Antoni Wibowo S.Si., M.Kom., M.Eng
Subject Content Coordinator
  • anwibowo@binus.edu
  • 021-53696969 ext1803
  • Prodi MTI, BGP, Jl Kebon Jeruk Raya no 27, Lt-8, Jakarta Barat, 11530 Indonesia
6. Dr.Eng Antoni Wibowo S.Si., M.Kom., M.Eng

Profile & Qualification

Antoni Wibowo (M’12) has received my first degree of Applied Mathematics in 1995 and master degree of Computer Science in 2000. In 2003, He awarded a Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbukagakusho) to attend Master and PhD programs at Systems and Information Engineering in University of Tsukuba-Japan. He completed the second master degree in 2006 and PhD degree in 2009, respectively. His PhD research focused on machine learning, operations research, multivariate statistical analysis and mathematical programming, especially in developing nonlinear robust regressions using statistical learning theory. He has worked from 1997 to 2010 as a researcher in the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology – Indonesia. From April 2010 – September 2014, he worked as a senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Science – Faculty of Computing, and a researcher in the Operation Business Intelligence (OBI) Research Group, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) – Malaysia. From October 2014 – October 2016, he was an Associate Professor at Department of Decision Sciences, School of Quantitative Sciences in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Dr. Eng. Wibowo is currently working at Binus Graduate Program (Master in Computer Science) in Bina Nusantara University-Indonesia as a Specialist Lecturer and continues his research activities.

Subject taught: Computational Intelligence & Optimization, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytic, Writing Paper & Colloquium Thesis, IT Research Methodology, IT Risk Management & Audit, Data Mining

Research : machine learning, optimization, operations research, multivariate data analysis, data mining, computational intelligence and artificial intelligence.

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57190940136
Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=H7w_pp0AAAAJ&hl=en
Sinta : https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/?q=antoni%20wibowo


Nonlinier Regresi Robust Berbasis Kernel Menggunakan Algoritma Fast S-estimator dan Penerapannya dalam Digital Marketing


Pengembangan model observer menggunakan Neural Networks (NN) untuk sistem kontrol berbasis cloud.


Model Komputasi Pohon Pinus Virtual Cerdas untuk Manajemen Reboisasi Hutan Gundul di Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Metode Functional-Structural Plant Modelling


Mathematical Modelling of Physical Distancing Policy for Post COVID-19 Event Management


Pengembangan Algoritma Multi-Objective Penjadwalan Dokter di Rumah Sakit Berbasis Pendekatan Pareto dan Hyperheuristic


Pengembangan Model Optimasi Morfologis Tanaman Virtual Berbasis Logika Fuzzy untuk Pembuatan Keputusan Strategis Cerdas Bidang Pertanian (Studi Kasus Tanaman Sayuran Hidroponik)


Pengembangan Sistem Rekomendasi Lagu Menggunakan Neural Collaboartive Filtering


Optimization for Multi-Objective Scheduling of Medical Personnel and Resources in Hospital Using Heuristic Approaches


Pengembangan Sistem Rekomendasi Lagu Menggunakan Neural Collaboartive Filtering



Journal Article

Fish Classification System Using YOLOv3-ResNet18 Model for Mobile Phones

Journal Article

End-to-End Steering Angle Prediction for Autonomous Car Using Vision Transformer

Journal Article

Machine Learning Trained Drowsiness Detection Using Gyroscope on a Microcontroller

Journal Article

Time Series Forecasting Based on Deep Learning CNN-LSTM-GRU Model on Stock Prices

Conference Article

Neural controller design for a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying delay: A bibliometric analysis-based short literature review

Journal Article

A Generic Fuzzy Decision Support Model based on Plant Computational Model for Agriculture Investment Decision

Journal Article

Long Short-Term Memory Network Hyperparameter Optimization Using Hybrid Algorithm GA-PSO On LQ45 Stock Prediction

Journal Article


Journal Article


Journal Article

An IoT Based Real-Time Weather Monitoring System Using Telegram Bot and Thingsboard Platform

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar

Canva (Magic Write)

  • Community **Permata Madani Islamic School - Bogor
  • Date 07 June 2024
  • location Sekolah Permata Madani Islamic School Bogor
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence dan Aplikasinya pada Pendidikan/Pengajaran

  • Community **Permata Madani Islamic School - Bogor
  • Date 31 May 2024
  • location Sekolah Permata Madani Islamic School Bogor
Pelatihan - MTI

Menggunakan LINDo untuk optimasi produk UMKM

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 12 December 2023
  • location zoom
Pelatihan UMKM - MTI

Pemrograman linier untuk optimasi hasil produk umkm

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 06 June 2023
  • location zoom
Webinar - MTI

Pemrograman linier untuk optimasi hasil produk umkm

  • Community UMKM 2020
  • Date 10 November 2022
  • location zoom
Webinar - MTI

Pemrograman linier untuk optimasi hasil produk umkm

  • Community UMKM Silver Interfor
  • Date 14 April 2022
  • location ZOOM
Webinar - MTI

Pemrograman linier untuk optimisasi produksi pada UMKM

  • Community Masyarakat Umum
  • Date 19 October 2021
  • location zoom
webinar - MTI

Klasifikasi Data Menggunakan Rapid Miner

  • Community * POLTEKIM
  • Date 04 March 2021
  • location https://binus.zoom.us/j/98560693716 ?? MEETING ID: 9856 0693 716

Analisa Regresi dan Uji Statistik dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Excel

  • Community Masyarakat Umum
  • Date 10 November 2020
  • location ZOOM
Pelatihan MTI

Analisa Regresi dan Uji Statistik dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Excel

  • Community UMKM 2020
  • Date 28 April 2020
  • location zoom cloud
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta: Part 1

Basic Proof Technique 1

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 11 February 2017
  • location
Tutorial for Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin

Part 1: Basic Proof Technique 1

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 11 February 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 2: Basic Proof Technique 2

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 11 March 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 3: Basic Proof Technique 3

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 15 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 4: Soal-soal untuk menghadapi OSN Matematika

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 22 April 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 5: Number Theory

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 13 May 2017
  • location
Tutorial For Mathematics Olympiad SMP I Al Abidin Surakarta

Part 6: Number Theory

  • Community SMPI Al-Abidin Surakarta
  • Date 27 May 2017
  • location
Word Sesi 3 : Membuat Brosur dengen MS. Office 2010

Membuat Brosur menggunakan template Office 2010 : Margin, Insert Picture, Insert Table, add text

  • Community UKM Binaan COMDEV
  • Date 24 November 2017
  • location
Word Sesi 3 : Membuat Brosur dengen MS. Office 2010

Cara manual di word 2010 : page layout, insert column, insert picture, add text, formatting

  • Community UKM Binaan COMDEV
  • Date 24 November 2017
  • location
Powerpoint Advance

Using various design views, background design, text, clipart & graphics, Running a slide show

  • Community SMA Methodist
  • Date 25 November 2017
  • location
Powerpoint Advance

Transitions, Animating Text & objects, Setting Timing, Creating a Photo Album, Insert Sounds & Video

  • Community SMA Methodist
  • Date 25 November 2017
  • location
Ms. Excel Tahap 3

SumIF, Function, CountIF, Function

  • Community UKM MSO-3
  • Date 15 December 2017
  • location
Bussiness Mathematics for UKM

Bussiness Mathematics Basic for UKM : Business Planning, Pareto Principle, Canvas Model

  • Community UKM Binaan COMDEV
  • Date 07 March 2018
  • location
Tutorial Matematika Menghadapi UN/OSN SMP Negeri 2 Tawangharjo – Grobogan: Bagian 1

Tutorial Matematika Menghadapi UN/OSN SMP Negeri 2

  • Community SMPN 2 Tawangharjo Grobogan
  • Date 21 July 2018
  • location
Tutorial Matematika Menghadapi UN/OSN SMP Negeri 2 Tawangharjo – Grobogan: Bagian 1

Tutorial Matematika Menghadapi UN/OSN SMP Negeri 2

  • Community SMPN 2 Tawangharjo Grobogan
  • Date 21 July 2018
  • location
Tutorial Matematika Menghadapi UN/OSN SMP Negeri 2 Tawangharjo – Grobogan: Bagian 2

Tutorial Matematika Menghadapi UN/OSN SMP Negeri 2

  • Community SMPN 2 Tawangharjo Grobogan
  • Date 13 October 2018
  • location
Pelatihan Komputer

Ms. Excel : Grafik & Pivot Table

  • Community MSO 6
  • Date 22 February 2019
  • location
Pelatihan Komputer (Ms. Excel)

Create Pivot Table, Edit Pivot Table, Review materi Excel & Latihan

  • Community MSO 7
  • Date 23 February 2019
  • location
neural network

recap logistic regresion dan persamaan garis linier

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 25 July 2019
  • location
neural network

praktik implementasi perceptron sederhana dan perceptron untuk logic gate

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 25 July 2019
  • location
neural network

cross entropy and gradient descent

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 26 July 2019
  • location
neural network

back propagation and overfitting VS underfitting

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 26 July 2019
  • location
pengantar deep learning (model-model)

pengenalan struktur deep learning, CNN, RNN, RBM

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 29 July 2019
  • location
pengantar deep learning (model-model)

permasalahan fundamental network

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 29 July 2019
  • location
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teaching Purposes
04 September 2024
Tech-Driven Learning Transformation for Gen Z: Shaping Tomorrow’s Talents
02 November 2023
Visiting Professor Program : Publishing in Reputable International Journal
30 April 2022
Multi-Channel Learning Classroom Management & Delivery
09 August 2021
Sosialisasi BINUSMAYA 7
29 June 2021
Evaluating the Active Learning Approach in the Learning Process
22 April 2021
Intermediate Zoom for Lecturers: Class Management & Assessment
13 February 2021
No Data