8. Dr.rer.nat Ditdit Nugeraha Utama S.Kom., MMSI.
Faculty Member
  • ditdit.utama@binus.edu
  • Prodi MTI, BGP, Jl Kebon Jeruk Raya no 27, Lt-8, Jakarta Barat, 11530 Indonesia
8. Dr.rer.nat Ditdit Nugeraha Utama S.Kom., MMSI.

Profile & Qualification

Ditdit Nugeraha Utama has been working as a faculty member at BINUS graduate program, specifically in the Master of Computer Science, since 2018. Additionally, he serves as the leader of the Research Interest Group for Quantitative and Decision Sciences (RIG-Q&DS). He earned his Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Informatics from BINUS University in Indonesia. Furthermore, he successfully completed dual Master’s degrees (S2) in Information Systems from BINUS University, Indonesia, and Commerce (in information system) from Curtin University, Australia. He also holds two doctoral degrees (S3). The first doctorate was obtained from the doctoral program in Industrial Engineering at Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. His research focused on applied models in supply chain management. The second doctorate was obtained from the doctoral program in Mathematics and Informatics at Gottingen University, Germany, specifically in the field of environmental informatics.

Subjects: business intelligence and analytics, big data analytics, program design method, service oriented architecture, risk management, IT project management, IT strategic planning

Research interests: decision support models and plant computational models.

SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55016662200

GOOGLE SCHOLAR: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PB0xgKkAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

SINTA: https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6071635

RESEARCH GATE: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ditdit-Utama




Model Penunjang Keputusan berbasis Logika Fuzzy Pada Sistem Peringkat Bangunan Gedung Hijau


Model Pertanian Presisi pada Pasca Panen Kelapa Sawit dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Deep Learning, Ponsel Pintar dan Drone.


Model Keputusan Cerdas Berbasis Logika Fuzzy untuk Menentukan Depo yang Paling Tepat dalam Merespon Tanggap Darurat Bencana


Model Komputasi Pohon Pinus Virtual Cerdas untuk Manajemen Reboisasi Hutan Gundul di Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Metode Functional-Structural Plant Modelling




Model Penunjang Keputusan untuk Menentukan Subjek Materi Kursus Daring


Model Penunjang Keputusan berbasis Fuzzy Multi-Stage Rule untuk Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan pada Area Layanan Pelanggan


Model Pertanian Presisi pada Pasca Panen Kelapa Sawit dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Deep Learning, Ponsel Pintar dan Drone


Pengembangan Algoritma Multi-Objective Penjadwalan Dokter di Rumah Sakit Berbasis Pendekatan Pareto dan Hyperheuristic

Journal Article

Culture-Based TAM for Analyzing the Implementation of Building Management System

Conference Article

Service Oriented Fuzzy Decision Model for Health Insurance Claim

Conference Article

Improving Supplier Evaluation Model using Ensemble Method-Machine Learning for Food Industry

Journal Article

Real-Time Oil Palm Fruit Grading System Using Smartphone and Modified YOLOv4

Journal Article

Improved Model for Identifying the Cyberbullying based on Tweets of Twitter

Journal Article

The Multistage Fuzzy Logic-Based Decision Support Model to Determine the Salary of New Employees

Journal Article

Group Decision Support Model for Tech-Based Startup Funding using Multistage Fuzzy Logic

Journal Article

A Generic Fuzzy Decision Support Model based on Plant Computational Model for Agriculture Investment Decision

Journal Article

Business Continuity Management Framework In Electronic System Provider (ESP) Startup Company

Journal Article

Evaluation of the Implementation of Business Continuity Management Using COBIT 2019 Framework in Public Sector

Google Class Room

Project Membuat Class

  • Community **Permata Madani Islamic School - Bogor
  • Date 07 June 2024
  • location Bogor
Practical Implementation AI

Elai dan Heygen

  • Community **Permata Madani Islamic School - Bogor
  • Date 01 June 2024
  • location Bogor - Zoom
Pelatihan - MTI

Model Keputusan untuk Penentuan Harga Produk

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 12 December 2023
  • location zoom
Pelatihan UMKM - MTI

Market Prediction with Rapidminer

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 06 June 2023
  • location zoom
pendampingan UMKM

Pendampingan UMKM Dapoer Witir / Sukamto Hadi

  • Community *Dapoer Witir
  • Date 16 May 2023
  • location Ruang Auditorium
Webinar - MTI

Market Prediction with Rapidminer

  • Community UMKM 2020
  • Date 10 November 2022
  • location zoom
Webinar - MTI

 Visualisasi Data Bisnis Menggunakan Google Data Studio

  • Community UMKM Silver Interfor
  • Date 12 April 2022
  • location ZOOM
Webinar - MTI

Market Prediction with Rapidminer

  • Community Masyarakat Umum
  • Date 19 October 2021
  • location zoom
webinar - MTI

Market Prediction Menggunakan Rapidminer

  • Community * POLTEKIM
  • Date 04 March 2021
  • location https://binus.zoom.us/j/98560693716 ?? MEETING ID: 9856 0693 716
MTI UMKM/Masyarakat Umum

Digital Marketing

  • Community Masyarakat Umum, UMKM 2020
  • Date 11 November 2020
  • location WEBINAR ZOOM
pelatihan komputer - MS word 2

smart art, graphic, create word exam, average, amx, main, function

  • Community WKRI Kemanggisan
  • Date 18 March 2020
  • location R 608. Kampus Anggrek
pelatihan komputer - MS. Word 1

Coloumn, Insert Picture, Insert Table, Insert Clipart

  • Community WKRI Kemanggisan
  • Date 04 March 2020
  • location R 608, Kampus Anggrek
Pelatihan Komputer : Ms. Powerpoint

Create Slide Master, Edit Slide Master & Latihan

  • Community Komunitas Desa Hijau
  • Date 05 October 2018
  • location
Pelatihan Komputer : Ms. Powerpoint

Insert, Header and Footer, Template design, Animation, Transition

  • Community Komunitas Desa Hijau
  • Date 05 October 2018
  • location
Pelatihan Komputer

Ms. Excel : Vlookup & Hlookup,Create Grafik & Edit Grafik

  • Date 28 February 2019
  • location
Ms. Word 1

Ms. Word : Format Teks Bullet & Numbering Header & Footer Watermark

  • Community MSO 9 UMKM
  • Date 22 June 2019
  • location
dasar machine learning (tematik)

Gradient, Univariate Differentiation & Multivariate Differentiation.

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 16 July 2019
  • location
dasar machine learning (tematik)

Menerapkan permasalahan Kalkulus dalam program menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python.

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 16 July 2019
  • location
Digital Marketing / Wordpress

Digital Marketing / Wordpress

  • Community Komunitas UMKM Silver-Interfor
  • Date 15 November 2019
  • location
mso WKRI

social media marketing, FB, dan Instagram

  • Community UMKM Binaan ComDev
  • Date 16 November 2019
  • location
Teaching Strategy for Student with Special Educational Needs - Physics & Sensory-
07 September 2024
Stakeholder Management
13 July 2023
Keep The Bright Side
13 July 2023
Membangun Wawasan Kebangsaan di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi
27 June 2023
Building and Sustaining Collaboration with Industry & Government
24 September 2022
[FDP] Faculty Development Program
09 March 2022
Multi-Channel Learning Classroom Management & Delivery
24 February 2022
Stakeholder Management
05 November 2021
Keep The Bright Side
03 November 2021
Mobile Application Development
13 October 2021
[FDP] Faculty Development Program
04 September 2021
Multi-Channel Learning Classroom Management & Delivery
09 August 2021
Video Based Learning (VBL) using Screen Recording & Presentation
12 July 2021
Sosialisasi BINUSMAYA 7
29 June 2021
Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation
26 April 2021
Video Based Learning (VBL) using Screen Recording & Presentation
22 April 2021
Advanced Technology in Education Industry
19 April 2021
Poster Design
30 March 2021
Advanced Technology in Education Industry
29 March 2021
Poster Design
17 March 2021
Q1 Publication Is Possible!
12 March 2021
Penanganan Bantuan Psikologis Awal bagi Sivitas Akademika di Perguruan Tinggi
15 December 2020
Penanganan Bantuan Psikologis Awal bagi Sivitas Akademika di Perguruan Tinggi
15 December 2020
Machine Learning & Deep Learning
20 November 2020
Machine Learning & Deep Learning
16 November 2020
Metodologi Riset: Kualitatif [Research Festival]
28 April 2020
Kiat Optimasi Hibah dan Publikasi Penelitian
30 January 2020
[FDP] Faculty Development Program
04 September 2021
FDP Batch 4
04 September 2021