7. Amalia Zahra S.Kom., Ph.D.
Lecture Spesialist - S3
  • amalia.zahra@binus.ac.id
  • 021-53696969 ext1803
  • Prodi MTI, BGP, Jl Kebon Jeruk Raya no 27, Lt-8, Jakarta Barat, 11530 Indonesia
7. Amalia Zahra S.Kom., Ph.D.

Profile & Qualification

Amalia Zahra is currently a lecturer and a quality coordinator at Master of  Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University since 2017. She obtained her PhD from the School of Computer Science and Informatics, University Colleged Dublin (UCD), Ireland in 2014. She got her bachelor degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (UI), Indonesia in 2008. She does not have a Master degree, but she got a chance to be a research assistant in developing an Indonesian Speech Recognition System after graduating from UI, before pursuing PhD in 2009. Prior to Bina Nusantara University, she was a lecturer and a researcher at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia.
Subjects Taught : Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Its Applications, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Optimization and Computational Intelligence.
Research : Speech Processing, Speech Recognition, Speaker Recognition, Spoken Language Identification, and other topics related to Speech Technology.
Scopus : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55844125600
Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=xxU_lYsAAAAJ&hl=id
Sinta : https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6656196



Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Persediaan Perusahaan Distribusi dan Logistik dengan Clustering dan Time Series Forecasting pada Permintaan Produk Consumer Health


Identifikasi Musik dari Tangkapan Optik Partitur Menggunakan Model Convolutional Neural Network


Model Komputasi untuk Mendeteksi Unsur Komunikasi SARA di Media Sosial Menjelang dan Pasca Pemilu 2024.


Optimasi Multi Fitur pada Sistem Pengenalan Emosi Suara


Mathematical Modelling of Physical Distancing Policy for Post COVID-19 Event Management


Komponen Identifikasi Emosi Suara Pengendara Dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Sistem Mobil Pintar


Pengenalan Wajah untuk Video Berresolusi Rendah pada Kamera CCTV Menggunakan Modifikasi Convolutional Neural Network


Sistem dan Aplikasi Portabel Pendeteksi Gangguan Irama Jantung Menggunakan Sinyal ECG Berbasis Machine Learning dan Cloud Computing




Pengenalan Wajah untuk Video Berresolusi Rendah pada Kamera CCTV Menggunakan Modifikasi Convolutional Neural Network

Journal Article

Speaker Identification in Multiple Languages: Regional, Indonesian, and English with Short Utterance

  • Academic Year 2022
  • Media Holder International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
  • Media Publisher International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
  • author(s) Amalia Zahra, S.Kom., Ph. D.Ahmad Fikri
Journal Article

Stacking ensemble learning for optical music recognition

Journal Article

Detecting Hate Speech on Social Media using Text Mining Method with SVM Classifier and XGBoost

Journal Article

Data Augmentation and Enhancement for Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition

Journal Article

Prototype Design of Landfill Gas Pipe Leak Monitoring System Based on Microcontroller Node MCU ESP8266 with the Internet of Things Method

Journal Article

Restaurant Recommendation System Using Advanced Collaborative Filtering and Review Text Content Approach

Journal Article

Indonesian Automatic Speech Recognition with XLSR-53

Journal Article

Emotion Recognition on Multimodal with Deep Learning and Boosting Ensemble Method

Journal Article

CRISP-DM Method for Mood Classification in Indonesian Music 70 and 80 era

Conference Article

Bert Transformer Model for Indonesian Mood Music Dataset


PIE-GENIUS Women in STEM-AI (Online and In-Person)

  • Community *Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Date 25 June 2024
  • location Cardiff Met Univ
Sharing Session

Gender-Biased Speech Emotion Recognition and DeepFake Speech Detection: Unveiling the Impact of Gender Stereotypes

  • Community *Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Date 24 June 2024
  • location Cardiff Met Univ
Pemasaran dengan Pendekatan Omnichannel untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Konsumen

Digital Marketing

  • Community UMKM Binaan BSI Maslahat
  • Date 20 October 2023
  • location Bogor
Binus Create

Data Preparation 2

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 22 November 2023
  • location Zoom (Online)
Pelatihan - MTI

Omnichannel Marketing untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Konsumen

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 12 December 2023
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Science Part 3 (Computer Science)

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 03 August 2023
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Model Optimization & Model Deployment

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 11 July 2023
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Science Training

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 23 June 2023
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Science Training

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 22 June 2023
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Clustering & Model Evaluation

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 22 May 2023
  • location Zoom

Chatbot - Antara Inovasi dan Tantangan di Dunia Akademik

  • Community UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Date 21 June 2023
  • location Online via Zoom
Pelatihan UMKM - MTI

Omnichannel Marketing to Improve Customer Engagement

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 06 June 2023
  • location zoom
Pelatihan UMKM - MTI

Omnichannel Marketing to Improve Customer Engagement

  • Community UMKM Alamanda Mix
  • Date 18 July 2023
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Analytics

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 03 March 2023
  • location JWC Campus (Offline)
Webinar - MTI

Visualisasi Data: Aspek Penting dan Best Practices

  • Community UMKM 2020
  • Date 10 November 2022
  • location zoom
Visualisasi Data

Visualisasi Data Menggunakan Power BI

  • Community Mahasiswa, Dosen, dan Masyrakat Umum Unsyiah Banda Aceh
  • Date 05 September 2022
  • location Video Conference via Zoom
Webinar - MTI

Menyusun Strategi Media Sosial untuk UMKM

  • Community UMKM Silver Interfor
  • Date 14 April 2022
  • location ZOOM
Binus Create

Mentoring stage 7

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 31 January 2022
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Science Training

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 04 November 2021
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Science Training

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 03 November 2021
  • location zoom
Binus Create

Data Science Training

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 28 October 2021
  • location zoom
Kuliah Umum Big Data

A Glimpse on Big Data

  • Community Mahasiswa, Dosen, dan Masyrakat Umum Unsyiah Banda Aceh
  • Date 13 September 2021
  • location Online (Zoom)
Webinar - MTI

Digital Marketing - Memaksimalkan Media Sosial untuk Promosi     

  • Community Masyarakat Umum
  • Date 19 October 2021
  • location zoom

Hadoop Basic Batch 1 Day 2

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 27 April 2021
  • location webinar zoom

Hadoop Basic Batch 1 Day 1

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 26 April 2021
  • location webinar zoom
webinar - MTI

Karakteristik Big Data dan Contoh Studi Kasusnya

  • Community * POLTEKIM
  • Date 04 March 2021
  • location https://binus.zoom.us/j/98560693716 ?? MEETING ID: 9856 0693 716
Digital Talent Scholarship 2020 KOMINFO

SA : Otomasi – Pengenalan Code Pipeline – Pengenalan Code Deploy – Study case

  • Community *DigiTalent Scholarship KOMINFO
  • Date 21 October 2020
  • location WE BINAR
Digital Talent Scholarship 2020 KOMINFO

SA : Otomasi – Pengenalan Lightsail – Pengenalan Elastic BeanStalk – Study case

  • Community *DigiTalent Scholarship KOMINFO
  • Date 19 October 2020
  • location WEBINAR
Digital Talent Scholarship 2020 KOMINFO

Mini Project

  • Community *DigiTalent Scholarship KOMINFO
  • Date 01 October 2020
  • location WEBINAR
Digital Talent Scholarship 2020 KOMINFO

AWS Networking Services, Pengenalan VPC, Pengenalan subnet, Pengenalan Internet Gateway, Pengenalan NAT, Pengenalan Elastic IP

  • Community *DigiTalent Scholarship KOMINFO
  • Date 30 September 2020
  • location WEBINAR
Digital Talent Scholarship 2020 KOMINFO

Memahami AWS Global Infrastructure, Mendefinisikan region, Mendefinisikan Availability Zone, Melakukan pemilihan Region – Pemahaman konsep Multi Region

  • Community *DigiTalent Scholarship KOMINFO
  • Date 23 September 2020
  • location WEBINAR
Digital Talent Scholarship 2020 KOMINFO

Pengenalan Cloud Computing & Memahami tentang AWS Sejarah Amazon Web Services

  • Community *DigiTalent Scholarship KOMINFO
  • Date 22 September 2020
  • location WEBINAR
SDP 4.0-A

Big Data

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 16 September 2020
  • location zoom
SDP 4.0-A

Big Data

  • Community Binus Create
  • Date 15 September 2020
  • location webinar pegadaian

Digital Marketing di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

  • Community Masyarakat Umum
  • Date 10 November 2020
  • location ZOOM
Binus Create - Big Data 2

Big Data 2

  • Community *Pegadaian MDP 4.0
  • Date 28 May 2020
  • location online class (Zoom)
Binus Create - Big Data 1

Big Data 1

  • Community *Pegadaian MDP 4.0
  • Date 27 May 2020
  • location online class
Ms. Excel 1

Vlookup, Hlookup, Sumif, countif, IF

  • Community WKRI Kemanggisan
  • Date 01 April 2020
  • location zoom cloud meeting
pelatihan komputer - Ms. Power Point 1

layout presentation, shape, insert and edit smart art graphic, hyperlink

  • Community PKBM Harapan Bunda
  • Date 19 March 2020
  • location kelas online
pelatihan komputer - MS word 2

equation Editor, hyperlink, mail merge, auto fill & excel Formula

  • Community WKRI Kemanggisan
  • Date 18 March 2020
  • location R 608, Kampus Anggrek
pelatihan komputer - MS. Word 1

format teks, bullets & Numbering, Header & footer, watermark

  • Community WKRI Kemanggisan
  • Date 04 March 2020
  • location R608, kampus anggrek
Ms. Excel Tahap 1

Fitur, AutoFill & Excel Formula, Table Border & Shading

  • Community UKM MSO-3
  • Date 08 December 2017
  • location
Ms. Powerpoint tahap 1

Fitur, Layout Presentation, Shape, Insert and Edit Smart Art, Graphic, Hyperlink

  • Community Community Silver
  • Date 12 January 2018
  • location
Ms. Powerpoint Tahap 2

Presentation Design, Animation Presentation, and Slide Master in Ms. Powepoint 2007

  • Date 23 January 2018
  • location
National Community Development Focus Group Discussion

Digital Marketing untuk produk kerajinan olahan sampah / barang bekas di Bantar Gebang

  • Community Masyarakat Umum
  • Date 02 May 2018
  • location
Pelatihan Komputer 3

Ms Excel: AutoFill & Formula, Table Border & Shading, Format Cells, Freeze Panes, Header & Footer

  • Community Komunitas Desa Hijau
  • Date 24 August 2018
  • location
Social Media Marekting Session 1 (Konsultasi Bisnis : 2 UKM 1 Dosen)

Create Social Media Marketing Goals, and Research Your Social Media Audience

  • Community UKM Binaan COMDEV
  • Date 29 October 2018
  • location
Materi Online CDA

Tutorial Excel

  • Community Digital Online CDA
  • Date 27 June 2019
  • location
dasar machine learning (matematik)

dasar machine learning 1

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 15 July 2019
  • location
dasar machine learning (tematik)

Menerapkan permasalahan Kalkulus dalam program menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python.

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 16 July 2019
  • location
dasar machine learning (tematik)

Gradient, Univariate Differentiation & Multivariate Differentiation.

  • Community FGA Machine Learning
  • Date 16 July 2019
  • location
Industry Insight - Banking Series
28 March 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teaching Purposes
25 March 2024
Level Up: The Winning Facilitator
11 December 2023
Recognition of Prior Learning
13 July 2023
Data Mining using Rapidminer
13 July 2023
Immersive Technologies (AR, VR, MR, and XR) and Metaverse
13 July 2023
Professional Look and Etiquette
30 March 2023
Teaching Strategy for Student with Special Educational Needs - Physics & Sensory-
08 March 2023
Assessment Practices for Effective Student Learning
28 February 2023
Immersive Technologies (AR, VR, MR, and XR) and Metaverse
15 February 2023
Professional Look and Etiquette
15 February 2023
Agile Mindset in Digital Immersion
23 March 2022
Multi-Channel Learning Classroom Management & Delivery
18 February 2022
Constructive Alignment in Multi-Channel Learning
07 February 2022
UX Design
13 November 2021
Data Mining using Rapidminer
12 May 2021
Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation
26 April 2021
Empowering Others
08 December 2020
Maximizing Learning Environment: Creative Class
06 March 2020
Enhancing Productivity of Researcher Through Interdisciplinary & International Collaboration
05 November 2019
[FDP] Faculty Development Program
04 September 2021
FDP Batch 4
04 September 2021
Data Mining using Rapidminer
12 May 2021